Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Facilator
The Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Facilitator is an attorney who works for the court which can assist with filing and providing legal information for your specific case. They are a free service available to both parties. They do NOT represent you, but remain a neutral party in order to offer both sides of cases with legal information and assistance. Please see the contact information on this page to meet with the Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Facilitator. NOTE: The Family Law Facilitator can only provide legal information. For legal advice you need to contact an outside attorney for this.
I have general questions about my case?
For general questions either about your case, or about the court in general, see the Stanislaus County Superior Court Clerk. The clerk is there to help the public in their interactions with the court and can provide general information on forms, filings, and court activities. NOTE: Like the Family Law Facilitator, the court clerk is only able to give legal information, they are not able to give legal advice. If you need legal advice you need to contact an outside attorney.
Stanislaus County Family Law Court case types
The Family Law Division of Stanislaus County hears all cases pertaining to domestic relations and family matters. Including temporary restraining orders, spousal support, domestic violence, dissolution of marriage (divorce), legal separation, child visitation and custody and child support.

Stanislaus County Family Law Court
Stanislaus County Superior Court serves the following locations: Modesto, Ceres, Hughson, Newman, Oakdale, Patterson, Riverbank, Turlock, Waterford, Airport, Bret Harte, Bystrom, Cowan, Crows Landing, Del Rio, Denair, Diablo Grande, East Oakdale, Empire, Grayson, Hickman, Keyes, Monterey Park Tract, Parklawn, Riverdale Park, Rouse, Salida, Shackelford, Valley Home, West Modesto, Westley, Adela, Claribel, Claus, Eugene, Hills Ferry, Knights Ferry, La Grange, Langworth, McHenry, Montpelier, Mountain View, Orestimba, Oso, Roberts Ferry.
How do I file my Family Law case?
Please contact the court (information below) about what is required in order to file your case. At minimum you will need to fill out case specific forms. The Stanislaus County Superior Court clerk or Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Facilitator can help assist you in what forms you need to fill out. Remember, the court can only provide you with legal information, if you require legal advice you must contact an attorney. Only a licensed attorney can provide legal advice. NOTE: Use caution when filling out the court forms, a small mistake may lead to potential delays for your case. Always keep copies of submitted documents.
Requirements for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) in Stanislaus County Superior Court?
Either you OR your spouse is required to resided in California for the last six (6) months, AND have resided in Stanislaus County for the last three (3) months.
Can I hire an attorney?
Yes, you can hire an attorney to represent you, but you are not required to do so.
Is my case made public?
In general, yes, your case records will be made public, there are however a few exceptions. Any individual may go to the Stanislaus County Superior Court and make a request to see any court record.
The three exceptions for public records are: 1) It is a confidential case (example is an adoption or juvenile case) 2) Every family law file has a confidential portion (ie. child custody recommendations or custody evals). 3) A party may request a document to be sealed or made confidential. This request must be approved. If you have any questions about what is confidential or not, you may ask your attorney, the Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Facilitator, or the court clerk.
Stanislaus County Superior Court Family Law Location
Family Law Courthouse
Address: 1100 I Street, Modesto, CA 95354
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM through 3:00 PM and Friday from 8 AM to 12:00 PM
Phone: (209) 530-3100
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